Sexy Ice Breaker Dares and Erotic Wild Dares
Perfect for Seasoned Swingers
ADULTS ONLY: 4 TO 10 Players
Created exclusively for Swingers by Swingers
The Original Ultimate Icebreaker Game
Introducing DV8 Dare™ Erotic Dare The Original Game for the Lifestyle.
The first of it's kind, essential adult party game created for seasoned lifestylers.
This erotic lifestyle game features 55 Unique Dares from Mild to Wild, a satin blindfold and easy instructions to follow.
Deviate’s Erotic Dare™ is the ultimate erotic dare game. Developed for maximum naughty entertainment. Sexy uninhibited dares that appeal to seasoned swinger who want to get the party started.
Spice up any intimate adult get together. Erotic Dare lets you dive right in to the play.
Not for the timid.
A must have for any naughty get together
Take your Dare game to the next level with optional expansion packs
The Game Where Everyone's A Winner!
Do You Deviate?™
Made in the USA